Friday, October 31, 2008

Toonces died today

Kitty Toonces died today.
She was found by a neighbor - run over by a car. Our neighbors were wonderful. They picked her up and put her in a box for us.
Got a knock on the door when Eva and I got home.
I've had her for over 16 years. I will miss her. 1990-2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Clapotis #2 Finis

Finished My second Clapotis on Saturday Oct. 25.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

knit wits - very cute!

knit wits vid
Veteran actors Robert Costanzo and John Capodice star in this hilarious yarn about a couple of goodfellas initiating a newcomer into their close-knit organization. Will he make the cut or are they just stringing him along?

(edit: changed vid to permalink)

new badge

Just earned a new badge. My wrist is killing me and I think it's from knitting. I had thought it was from removing the air conditioner, but it only started to hurt 2 days later after knitting fast and furious.

The Knitting Has Forced Me to Seek Medical Attention Badge (Level One):
In which the recipient has been forced to seek the advice of a medical doctor, nurse, or alternative healthcare professional for injuries sustained as a result of knitting.

So, I need to make an appointment for tomorrow w/ my NP.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Akron/Family? I can't belive it.

Well, it seems that my husband just bought us tickets to see this phenomenon (of which I love) at TT the Bear's!!! (December 28th) This is unusual for me because I don't really like "jam-y" type bands, but they are a bit out of the ordinary and heck, they ARE endorsed by the music-god* himself.


A bit about them:
>> "The best band on the planet." - MICHAEL GIRA*, Young God Records

>> "Akron/Family is a six-year old band that in its various incarnations embrace hushed laptop folk, ecstatic chanting, wild improvisation, Beatles harmonies, West African grooves and fourth-wall detonating live performances...."

>> "Williamsport, Pennsylvania - Akron/Family is writing a 21st century non-denominational hymnal, free of any New Age stink or hippie laziness. The trio (though they often perform as five, six, seven or more) tap into the great currents of the universe and share that energy and unfiltered beauty with us. Their constant desire to obliterate the line between audience/consumer and performer/musician shares something with the Dead, Phish and others who've introduced participatory elements into the mix. However, those bands rarely gave so freely or vigorously to those who stood before them. Akron/Family are a very special band and you cheat yourself with every minute you wait to wade into their waters."

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Click 'n Clack-potis

Newest project...
Clapotis #2 in Araucania Ranco Multy, colorway - 310 - size US 7.

Clapotis Your Hands Say Yeah!

Just finished - October 9...
Clapotis #1 in Araucania Ranco Multy, colorway - 302 - size US 7.


11:30 comes way too soon.
and ravelry is down