{ S W A N S } (former band of Michael Gira the music-god himself) { Angels of Light } (Michael Gira the music-god himself) { J Marinelli }(an old acquaintance) { 63 Eyes }(most beloved band from Morgantown, WV) { Todd Burge }(former singer of 63 Eyes gone solo - Folk / Americana / Bluegrass)
The Proselytize Knitting Badge: A requirement for all Knitting Scouts, the recipient must do his or her bit to present knitting in a positive light, whilst at the same time avoiding all references to "hipness", grandmothers, and yoga.
The "MacGyver" Badge (Level One): The recipient must demonstrate clever use of a non-knitting tool in a knitting-related scenario. For instance, recipient has used paper clips as stitch markers, or successfully whittled and then utilized bamboo
The “MacGyver” Badge (Level Two): The recipient must demonstrate clever use of a knitting tool in a non-knitting-related scenario. For instance, recipient has used a strand of Regia Bamboo to slice cheese, or repaired a small appliance with a metal knitting needle.
The Knitting Whilst Under the Influence Badge: This applies to both actual knitting under the influence, as well as achieving moments of stunning intellectual clarity about ones knitting under the influence. Presumes talking about knitting whilst under the influence a given.
The I Will Impress You With My Math Prowess Badge: The recipient is a whiz at substituting yarns and calculating gauge, can space increases and decreases evenly and is fully comfortable with the basic math encountered in all knitting projects.
The I've Knit Items With No Conceivable Practical Application Badge: Recipients are those “special” campers who have knit items which somehow missed the mark of their intended application. There are probably more who are deserving of this badge than one would expect.
The Knitting Has Forced Me to Seek Medical Attention Badge (Level One): In which the recipient has been forced to seek the advice of a medical doctor, nurse, or alternative healthcare professional for injuries sustained as a result of knitting.
WTF?? Well, McCain had me until THIS.
ha! I believe you. Really, I do! :)
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